VolatilityCalc Online
Volatility Moving Average Calculator
Calculation Methodology
The Volatility Moving Average Calculator generates a chart of moving six month volatility calculations. This provides insight into the change in historical volatility over time.
The Symbol, Start Date and End Date are inputs the user can change.
The Data Type choices are daily, weekly, or monthly stock prices.
Adjusted Close prices from Yahoo! Finance are used.
Historical Volatility Calculation
The logarithmic method to calculate stock volatility, often referred to as the log-normal or log return method, is a common approach used in finance to measure the variability or risk associated with the stock price movement over time
Volatility and Option Pricing
Volatility is a key parameter in pricing options and other derivatives. Higher volatility increases the premium of options due to the greater risk of price movement. Traders and quantitative analysts use volatility charts to identify opportunities and strategies in the options market.
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